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at 7:33 am - Saturday, Nov. 24, 2001
Bleed for me dork, bleed for me!
Dear Random Person,

You're not so random, you just told me to call you dee. I dont like that. You just ruined the whole concept of the diary. You were supposed to be random! Now you're Dee. Thats not random. Now, if your name were Jisela, that'd be pretty random.

Actually, I didnt randomly pick that name out of the blue, I saw someone on the Real World, which I dont watch regularly, as they seem like dorks, especially since they got mad at Jisela, who was visiting, for secretly calling everyone dorks, but its not like its a lie, right?

C'mon, they are dorks!

Not that thats a bad thing, if you're a dork, I mean. I dont know you, so you very well might be a dork, for all I know. Are you? Actually, you might be a geek, do you code a lot? Is that why you're all caffinated up over there?

Its morning time for most people in America. Normal people need caffiene when they wake up. Good thing I've been awake all night, huh? Therefor, no need for caffiene, since Im not half-asleep.


I just read your post-september 11th entry. You must be Canadian.

Who are we and why cant we reason why? Canadians are like cravings.

You're fond of short one line entries arent you? With all that caffiene in you, one would think you had enough energy to type 5,876 paragraphs. But you dont, why? Not that Im really craving more words from you.

Normally, one would explain further, why they they would quote a line like that from Hootie and the Blowfish. Diaries are for opening wounds and such. Open your wounds. I want blood! Blood! Blooooood!


PS, I hope you dont get crabs...

you know, from sitting in the sand.

Best Wishes,
Doctor Andom

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