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3:46 pm - Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002
Worst. Day. Ever.
Dear Random Person,

The worst day ever? What would that be? I'd have to go with the day they canceled the TV show version of the movie Pearl Harbor, since it was the best show ever, with how well it was written, given the fact that they were following the lives of people effected by that day and the fact that they relied so heavily on flashbacks worked for them. It was probably that guy with the one leg that got the show canceled, his story seemed kind of depressing. I knew I should have wrote him out of the show before I sold the pilot... I mean, um...

*looks around*

My priorities lie elsewhere most of the time anymore, if I'm going to be writing an email, it feels like it should be to a non-random person, one specific non-random person and, well, the random people of the world are starting to get ignored. How does that make you, as a representative of random people everywhere, feel? In reality, it should hardly bother you but, well, if it effects you very deeply, maybe you should be placed in a psyche ward.

But what psyche ward should you be sent to?

Apparently I should be sent to the autistic section. See?

I'm starting to think I am but this reminds me of a conversation I had the other day...

frandom: Considering the fact that he left me with the bill and never came back nor offered any apology or explanation for his actions, I'd say so. He decided to talk to me after 9 months again without offering any explanation at all or having said anything to me for that length of time and I know he was around.
drandom: Maybe he has autism.
frandom: Autism?
drandom: Yes, they aren't exactly known for their attention spans to regular things and it might explain his wandering off and leaving you with the bill.
frandom: Ha. Hmm. But does that explain not bothering to talk to me afterwards to explain?
drandom: It could. Autistics aren't known for their talking ability. Ever watch the Boy Who Could Fly or House of Cards? Sometimes autistics don't talk to you for a while. Sometimes they even follow you around and don't talk to you.
frandom: He's very verbose on the computer though.
drandom: Maybe his fingers aren't effected by the autism.
frandom: So they type for themselves?
drandom: Well, it was either that or he could fly or build houses of cards.

I, on the other hand, can say talk a lot, at random intervals... although that sounds more like touretttes... maybe *thats* my problem!


*looks around*

...amongst yourselves.

Best Wishes,
Doctor Andom

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