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4:57 pm - Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002
Fight the random suppression~!
Dear Random Person,

Monday night I attempted to post this but due to the fact that Andrew, or maybe a secret society for the destruction of randomness that may have brainwashed him, is secretly out to get me and drive me insane, forcing me to have to take medication, thus eliminating my randomness, it became impossible for me to actually update, even though everything seemed to be working properly and somehow all of the entries here, in some form, simply disappeared for no reason, well, other than the aforementioned plot by Andrew, or a secret society that brainwashed him, to drive me insane, because they're out to get me.

Not that I'm paranoid or anything but lets see if I can actually post what I wrote Monday night this time or if something else prevents this from showing up, like the science of random needs to be suppressed like I was on to something the level of a doctor Karl Baron von Reichenbach, Nathan Stubblefield, Nikola Tesla or the elusive Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.

If its up to me, randomness, in any of its forms, will never be suppressed and will be allowed to grow to new heights! Viva la Random Revolution~! Hmmm, that gives me an idea.. There, I just created the random revolution diaryring, so join and show your support for randomness everywhere.

What was trying to be suppressed anyway, you ask? Well, this is what I wrote Monday night...

What do you do when you come back from a week in LA and you may or may not be extremely tired? Well, if you're me, you stay awake and create a survey~! With such questions as....

If we went to the zoo together, to see the monkeys, would you raise the roof?

You certainly enjoy the sweets, don't you, pyromaniac?

I'd never drink a fuzzy navel or a screwdriver, would you?

Did it hurt?

and, of course,

If you're such a selfish bastard, how did you get into heaven?

Go ahead, take it. The survey, that is.

Apparently creating a survey was too much for the anti-random forces of the world to take but like most things, the revolution found a way around its suppression, to bring the original message to the public, however underground it might be. Now we must band together to protect the random, by any means necessary... or at least by joining the ring. And taking the survey. And saying one random thing before you go to bed tonight.

Spread the random love~!

Best Wishes,
Doctor Andom

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