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3:49 pm - Saturday, Sept. 28, 2002
Counter-productive to your own sanity? Well, do I have a deal for you!
Dear Random Person,

So, I was having this conversation with a friend...

Drandom: Join the counter-productive to sanity revolution!
Frandom: Because you don't want to be alone?
Drandom: No, being alone is sad and scary and fetal position inducing... we can share a fetal position and be twins!
Frandom: So how does that work?
Drandom: What do I look like a geneticist? Maybe, you know, I'll throw something together in the lab and we can be the same person eventually.
Frandom: Fair enough but I meant... how does this revolution work?
Drandom: Well, its like a support group. The counter-productive to sanity support group. Only its a revolution.
Frandom: Revolutionizing the way we look at being counter-productive to our own sanity?
Drandom: Indeed!

That was certainly a fun conversation, wasn't it? Fun enough to join the Counter-Productive To Your Own Sanity diaryring? You know you want to! I mean, the thing I love to do most other than be random is be counter-productive to my own sanity. Hell, sometimes being random facilitates being counter-productive to my own sanity but the two aren't mutually exclusive, so now you can join both the Random Revolution *and* the Counter Productive Revolution, all for the price of none! Thats right, its freeeeeee!

Although, with you thinking you're an apple that grows on a hedge, maybe you don't have any sanity to be counter-productive towards.. but what the hey, you can join too! Sanity not required for the next thirty days!After thirty days, please make sure your sane enough to have something to be counter-productive towards.

That is all.

Best Wishes,
Doctor Andom

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