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6:26 pm - Monday, Aug. 19, 2002
Where there's smoke there's... violence against women.
Dear Random Person,

I just heard this interesting radio PSA and from the sound of it, I think it was done by the well-spoken Keith David, who is better known as the big black guy who tried to engage in sado-masochistic behavior with the pizza man, Chainsaw from Summer School, in the entertaining movie Men At Work, which was written by the extremely talented and equally disturbed Emilio Estevez. Well, at least thats what he's better known to *me* as. I don't know about you. Maybe you watched Platoon or something. Or he's your father, who knows. Then again, you may not even know who he is period. Which is sad, you should try and find a copy of Men At Work... or ask your mom to finally tell you the whole truth, either way.

What was the PSA about, you ask? Well, you'd ask that if you weren't still fixated on Keith David's relationship to you, or yours to him. Move on, we're on a different subject. The PSA he did. Which was? It was mainly exposing the evils of violence against women. A good thing to do, right? Well, the violence against women part is a bad thing to do, but taking a stand against it is good, right? Well, yeah but it does have some drawbacks to it. Should I commit violence towards men exclusively? Well, I do anyway but thats not the point. I've seen plenty of anti-violence campains on TV and radio that had some intense messages that did the job without actually having to specify who the violence shouldn't have been perpetrated against.

Plus, it'll probably breed a few more people like me, since I do have somewhat of a superman complex at times, as much as I'd like to think I don't or I have it under control, I like to come to the rescue. Actually, its more of a Wolverine complex, since I'm not a superman type, more of a try not to get involved but in the end I do. Although, it doesn't really have anything to do with specific gender roles but that radio spot, it was all about specific genders, probably creating gender specific supermen, which is more along the lines of cavemen. Me Man. You Woman. Me Protect. Me Hulk Smash. Well, The Incredible Hulk wasn't much more intelligent than a caveman, so it works.

But on the otherside, there are people out there that that was targeting, are those people really going to be swayed to suddenly change their abusive behavior because a radio promo told them it was wrong? I smell touchy feely hippy. Can you stop a house from burning down, by talking to the fire? Is a fire going to stop being a fire? Has fire ever stopped being fire? I've seen fire pretend it wasn't really fire anymore but it turned out it was just a burning ember, waiting to be a fire again. You either need a firefighter or hope the house has the proper fire sprinkler system to finally work and put the fire out itself.

And if the PSA was for the house, does a house really need to be told that being burned down isn't the best of ideas? I'd think not, just that its hard to put fires out. But if it did have something to do with that, it isn't exactly the worse passive aggressive PSA on the subject, at least it wasn't an old school Smokey the Bear promo where it blamed the other person for not putting out the fire, instead of the fire being an asshole... I wonder if Smokey The Bear was secretly an abusive pyromaniac and he was just doing those as a form of community service, to keep himself out of jail. I always did find him to be a little suspect of something, I could never put my finger on it... maybe I finally have.

Only you can prevent fire from making you blame yourself.

I need a cigarette now.

Best Wishes,
Doctor Andom

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